Supreme Court news and trends

Supreme Court Sides With Retailers in Debit Card Swipe Fee Case
Legal // July 01, 2024

The Supreme Court handed a victory to retailers battling debit card “swipe fees.” The high court’s 6-3 ruling Monday (July 1) sided with the plaintiffs in a case challenging a Federal Reserve rule on the amount businesses pay banks when customers make purchases with debit...

CFPB Supreme Court Decision Shifts Focus to Technology’s Impact on Consumer Finance
Regulation // May 20, 2024

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been validated in the aftermath of last week’s U.S. Supreme Court rejection of a challenge to its congressional funding structure. But the ongoing debate over financial regulation and consumer protection will go on and the financial services industry...

Federal Regulations Remain Under Fire After Supreme Court’s CFPB Ruling
Legal // May 17, 2024

The Thursday (May 16) decision by the Supreme Court to uphold the funding mechanism of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been hailed as a victory for supporters of robust federal regulation. However, these supporters remain uncertain about the future of federal agency powers, given the court’s conservative...

Supreme Court Ruling on CFPB Paves Path for Open Banking
CFPB // May 16, 2024

Reading the Thursday (May 16) Supreme Court ruling upholding the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s funding mechanisms — and ensuring the agency’s survival — takes one through centuries of history. All the way back to England, Parliament and the Crown. All the way back to the inner workings of...

Interviews & Exclusives
Will Supreme Court Rulings Keep Federal Regulators in Court?

July 17, 2024
When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its own 40-year-old ruling in the LoperBright Enterprises v. Raimondo case on June 28 — in what has come to being popularly tagged SCOTUS v. Chevron — the reaction was split. On one hand, some politicians and legal experts were outraged that an activist court attacked what it saw […]

Supreme Court Ruling on CFPB’s Fate May Rewrite the Rules of Banking and Credit

May 14, 2024
For the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the courts have been a hotbed of action, lawsuits, appeals and back-and-forth between lawyers. Almost everything boils down to the decision that will come down from...

Supreme Court Decision Puts Spotlight on ATM Usage

April 15, 2024
The U.S. Supreme Court made a significant decision in a complicated case regarding ATM fees Monday (April 15), putting the spotlight on the use of cash and access to it....

Challenges and Changes Loom as Fed Mulls and Court Considers Debit Interchange Fees

October 19, 2023
Debit interchange fees may see a revamp — a refashioning of the charges levied on merchants, the likes of which has not been seen in a decade. Next week, the...

Quick Reads
Supreme Court Sides With Retailers in Debit Card Swipe Fee Case

July 01, 2024
The Supreme Court handed a victory to retailers battling debit card “swipe fees.” The high court’s 6-3 ruling Monday (July 1) sided with the plaintiffs in a case challenging a Federal Reserve rule on the amount businesses pay banks when customers make purchases with debit cards. The store, Corner Post, and its fellow plaintiffs claimed […]

Federal Regulations Remain Under Fire After Supreme Court’s CFPB Ruling

May 17, 2024
The Thursday (May 16) decision by the Supreme Court to uphold the funding mechanism of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has been hailed as a victory for supporters of robust federal regulation. However,...

Supreme Court Rules CFPB Funding Mechanism Constitutional

May 16, 2024
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday (May 16) that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s funding mechanism is constitutional. The decision reversed a lower court ruling that threatened the very existence of the agency. Seven justices concurred...

Supreme Court Won’t Hear Apple App Store Payment Case

January 16, 2024
The Supreme Court will not hear Apple’s appeal in its legal battle with Epic Games. As Bloomberg News reported Tuesday (Jan. 16), the decision means that a 2023 appeals court ruling centered around...