Takeovers news and trends

Britain Aims To Increase Control Over Foreign Takeovers
B2B Payments // June 08, 2020

If they don’t report takeover attempts from abroad that could pose a risk to the country’s security, company directors in Britain could face the prospect of jail time. According to a new law, disqualification, penalties and prison terms could also be in effect for executives...

France’s Fund Aims To Rescue Tech Startups From Takeovers
International // June 05, 2020

Looking for a way to protect technology companies from becoming prey to foreign buyers, France has created a fund to bail out startups. Bloomberg News reported that the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance allocated 150 million euro ($170 million) through its government-backed lender, Bpifrance...

Quick Reads
Report: Worldline Could Be Private Equity Takeover Target

November 26, 2023
Worldline’s stock climbed last week amid reports that it could be a takeover target. As Seeking Alpha noted Friday (Nov. 24), the French payments firm rose 5% on the news, which came from the British website Betaville. Sources told that outlet that one of Europe’s largest private equity outfits is considering a takeover of Worldline. A spokesperson for […]

France’s Fund Aims To Rescue Tech Startups From Takeovers

June 05, 2020
Looking for a way to protect technology companies from becoming prey to foreign buyers, France has created a fund to bail out startups. Bloomberg News reported that the French Ministry for...