Tax Cut news and trends

Mexico Courts Investors With IPO Tax Cut
Investments // January 08, 2019

Stocks in Mexico rose on the news that the country’s government would cut the tax rate for equity IPOs, and allow private pension funds the chance to invest in more instruments. Financial Times reported that Mexico’s IPC stock index was trading at 1.6 percent higher...

Consumers Spend, Businesses Don’t Seem To Be
Economy // November 12, 2018

The tax cuts signed into law by President Donald Trump late last year were expected to spur a spending boost on the part of consumers and businesses around the country. While the consumers have done their job boosting spending, businesses haven’t been following suit, reported...

At The Grocer, Consumers Sizzle At Self-Checkout
Sizzle/Fizzle // July 13, 2018

Sizzle Self-checkout: Check yourself, as the song says. And in retail, the checking yourself is literal and increasing. As many as 70 percent of shoppers have used this option at grocers, per the PYMNTS Self-Service Kiosk report. Shows the lure of speed and choice in the checkout experience,...

Trump Picks Portend Tax, Fed Scrutiny
Post-Election // November 30, 2016

Great change may be looming on tax policy and even at the Federal Reserve, if the latest two cabinet picks for the incoming Trump administration are any indication. As has been widely reported, President-elect Donald Trump’s Treasury pick Steven Mnuchin told CNBC that there will...

Quick Reads
France to Close Tax Loophole for Airbnb and Short-Term Rentals

June 09, 2023
France is taking steps to close a tax loophole and end the more favorable tax treatment short-term furnished rentals such as AirBnB receive compared to long-term rentals. “We are going to reform the tax rules and I will make proposals. When a windfall gets too big and tax is too favorable, there is no reason […]

Mexico Courts Investors With IPO Tax Cut

January 08, 2019
Stocks in Mexico rose on the news that the country’s government would cut the tax rate for equity IPOs, and allow private pension funds the chance to invest in more...

Consumers Spend, Businesses Don’t Seem To Be

November 12, 2018
The tax cuts signed into law by President Donald Trump late last year were expected to spur a spending boost on the part of consumers and businesses around the country....

Trump Picks Portend Tax, Fed Scrutiny

November 30, 2016
Great change may be looming on tax policy and even at the Federal Reserve, if the latest two cabinet picks for the incoming Trump administration are any indication. As has...