The Silk Road news and trends

Inside The Bitcoin Blockchain
Bitcoin // February 27, 2015

Anonymous and untraceable. That’s been among the calling cards of bitcoin since Day 1. It is, in fact, what makes bitcoin so novel. It has all of the attributes of cash, but it’s digital. So, if that’s the case, how in the world did the...

The Alleged Bitcoin Silk Road Hitman Operation
Bitcoin // February 06, 2015

“Everyone knows too much.” — Dread Pirate Roberts, December 2011 The HBO-style drama begins. Did Silk Road creator Ross Ulbricht pay $500,000 worth of bitcoins to have five people assassinated to protect his true identity as the Dread Pirate Roberts? Those details remain speculative at this point,...

Unmasking Dread Pirate Roberts — The Bitcoin Edition
Controversial // January 17, 2015

If only Piper Chapman’s girlfriend, the protagonist in the Netflix series, “Orange is The New Black,” knew the alleged Dread Pirate Roberts and his Libertarian bitcoin Web project, Silk Road, maybe she wouldn’t have had to ask Piper to carry the suitcase full of drug money...

Quick Reads
Convicted Silk Road Leader Wants Retrial

March 10, 2015
Ross Ulbricht, the convicted creator of the Silk Road online drug bazaar, is set to be sentenced in May, but his lawyer has filed a motion in New York federal court requesting a retrial, CryptoCoinsNews reported. Ulbricht, the self-declared libertarian economist who claimed he created the site as an economic experiment, was convicted in February […]