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FICO Monopoly On Mortgage Lending Threatened

January 02, 2018
FICO Faces Federal Legislators
Alternative Finances // December 22, 2015

As 2015 draws to a close, some are celebrating the good times just gone by, while others are just looking forward to getting on to a new year. For the good folks at the Fair Isaac Corporation — better known as FICO — this year’s...

Quick Reads
FICO Monopoly On Mortgage Lending Threatened

January 02, 2018
A change in how potential mortgage borrowers are assessed may be on the horizon. Soon, FICO may not be the only game in town.  The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) — the federal body that stands behind the guarantors of most American mortgages, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — is considering opening up the market […]