Womens Clothing news and trends

Tulerie On Liberating High-End Fashion From Closets With Platform Rentals
Retail // October 17, 2018

The world is full of beautiful clothes — sitting in closets, going unworn. In fact, according to Tulerie Co-founders Merri Smith, COO, and Violet Gross, CEO, about 70 percent of clothes in the typical woman’s closet languishes there on a hanger after being worn only one time. The reasons why, Smith and...

Tradesy Puts A Concierge In Every Closet
Retail // August 17, 2018

Tradesy Founder Tracy DiNunzio has a very defined perspective when it comes to fast, cheap fashion items and their more expensive designer cousins. Customers get what they pay for. Fast fashion is available, affordable but ultimately expendable. It has no resale value, and because it...

Gwynnie Bee Offers Subscription Services For Traditional Retailers
Retail // March 23, 2018

Gwynnie Bee, a subscription service offering women’s clothing for rent, is launching a new technology platform that allows traditional retailers to offer their own subscription clothing rental business. According to news from TechCrunch, the platform — called “CaaStle” (Clothing as a Service) — handles all aspects...

The Secret To A Better Fit? Fighting Arbitrary Sizing
Retail // March 01, 2018

The “What’s your size?” shuffle is a specialized horror that female consumers from all walks of life complain bitterly about. It’s the sort of thing customers should be able to recite automatically. But, of course, it isn’t. There are many factors to take into consideration:...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Tech Is Reinventing How Brides Say Yes To The Dress

January 06, 2020
A typical episode of TLC’s “Say Yes To The Dress” can offer one the basic sketch of the drama that is buying a wedding dress. Though the details change somewhat episode to episode, the story pretty much always follows the same arc: The bridal party enters, the bride explains her vision, dresses are tried on, […]

Tulerie On Liberating High-End Fashion From Closets With Platform Rentals

October 17, 2018
The world is full of beautiful clothes — sitting in closets, going unworn. In fact, according to Tulerie Co-founders Merri Smith, COO, and Violet Gross, CEO, about 70 percent of clothes in...

Quick Reads
Gwynnie Bee Offers Subscription Services For Traditional Retailers

March 23, 2018
Gwynnie Bee, a subscription service offering women’s clothing for rent, is launching a new technology platform that allows traditional retailers to offer their own subscription clothing rental business. According to news from TechCrunch, the platform — called “CaaStle” (Clothing as a Service) — handles all aspects of the subscription business, including the website, databases, cleaning, returns, […]