Autox news and trends

Fiat Chrysler To Debut Robot Taxis In China
Merchant Innovation // February 11, 2020

Fiat Chrysler, in partnership with Chinese-based AutoX, wants to launch robo-taxis in China later this year, according to an announcement. The automobile maker, one of the “Big Three” in Detroit, has been casting a wide net for autonomous vehicle tech, and wants to keep pace...

Udelv Autonomous Vehicles Take On Grocery Delivery’s Last Mile
Retail // October 04, 2018

It’s not uncommon to hear about self-driving vehicles delivering groceries and other items in California and Arizona, but udelv is bringing its technology to an area that isn’t usually known for self-driving vehicles. The company recently signed a deal to supply multiple brands of supermarkets...

Retailers Can Tap Into Mobile Stores With Self-Driving Cars
Retail // September 04, 2018

Click-and-collect and delivery aren’t the only options for grocers to provide eCommerce ease to their customers: They can also let customers shop through mobile stores in front of their homes. And, with the help of self-driving technology, these vehicles can reach consumers without the need...

The Multiple Parts of Innovation
Innovation // August 31, 2018

What did you do in high school? Unless you were a roadie for a major rock band — and you weren’t — you probably did nothing as cool as some recently graduated high schoolers in California did. As described in a brand new PYMNTS interview...

Interviews & Exclusives
AutoX: Why Driverless Cars Are Ready To Hit The Road

July 31, 2020
Tests of truly autonomous self-driving vehicles have been uneven at best, but with each scraped test hubcap, the concept draws closer to reality. Major automakers are in, with Toyota backing autonomous driving startup and Fiat Chrysler striking a deal with AutoX, the Hong Kong-based firm that has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) platform for […]

Quick Reads
Fiat Chrysler To Debut Robot Taxis In China

February 11, 2020
Fiat Chrysler, in partnership with Chinese-based AutoX, wants to launch robo-taxis in China later this year, according to an announcement. The automobile maker, one of the “Big Three” in Detroit, has been casting a wide net for autonomous vehicle tech, and wants to keep pace with rivals in Detroit. Hong Kong’s AutoX said it plans […]

The Multiple Parts of Innovation

August 31, 2018
What did you do in high school? Unless you were a roadie for a major rock band — and you weren’t — you probably did nothing as cool as some...

Startup AutoX Unveils Self-Driving Grocery Delivery

August 28, 2018
To help consumers order fresh produce to their doors, AutoX is rolling out a pilot for self-driving grocery delivery and a mobile store in California. The new service will be...