Economic Crisis news and trends

JPMorgan Predicts Next Financial Crisis In 2020
Economy // September 13, 2018

Citing an analysis by JPMorgan Chase, Bloomberg reported the Wall Street bank doesn’t think the next financial crisis will be as painful as past crises, but that it is coming. According to the analysis, stocks could decline around 20 percent with the next crisis, the U.S....

Venezuela Re-Extends Use Of 100-Bolivar Notes
International // December 30, 2016

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reportedly said that the Venezuelan government would again extend the validity of 100-bolivar notes (worth some $0.02 on the black market) from Jan. 2 of next year to Jan. 20. Facing some of the highest inflation in the world as part...

Quick Reads
Cuba Implements Regulations to Combat Inflation and Off-the-Books Economy

August 03, 2023
The Cuban Central Bank has issued new regulations designed to address runaway inflation and the large off-the-books economy that has developed in the midst of the country’s economic crisis. The regulations, which went into effect Thursday (Aug. 3), put a limit of 5,000 pesos on cash transactions between state and private businesses and bans those […]

Venezuela Re-Extends Use Of 100-Bolivar Notes

December 30, 2016
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has reportedly said that the Venezuelan government would again extend the validity of 100-bolivar notes (worth some $0.02 on the black market) from Jan. 2 of next...