Household Spending news and trends

Wells Fargo CFO: Economy Will Worsen As 2023 Goes On
Economy // February 14, 2023

Wells Fargo’s finance chief has a gloomy prediction for the U.S. economy. “It’s going to get worse as we go throughout the year,” said Mike Santomassimo, whose comments on Tuesday (Feb. 14) at the Credit Suisse Financial Services Forum were reported by Seeking Alpha. Santomassimo cited macroeconomic data...

Consumers Drive Q3 US Economic Growth
Economy // November 27, 2019

October saw a rise in consumer spending, according to a report by Reuters. The news organization is reporting that the economy will most likely continue to grow in Q4 of the year. Consumer spending accounts for upwards of 66 percent of U.S. economic activity, and...

Loyalty’s New One Percenters
Retail // August 27, 2018

Throw out everything you’ve ever learned about what makes a consumer loyal to a brand. Consumers, over the last 10 years, have turned loyalty on its head. And they’ve done it in ways so subtle that it was almost imperceptible as this loyalty evolution was...

Interviews & Exclusives
Fed’s Economic Well-Being Report Understates Struggles of Paycheck-to-Paycheck Consumers

May 22, 2023
The Federal Reserve Board’s latest report on the pressures faced by U.S. households paints a picture where a record number of consumers say they are worse off than they were a year ago. And the data may not reflect how bad things really are, especially for paycheck-to-paycheck consumers. The headline findings of the Fed, in […]

Quick Reads
Wells Fargo CFO: Economy Will Worsen As 2023 Goes On

February 14, 2023
Wells Fargo’s finance chief has a gloomy prediction for the U.S. economy. “It’s going to get worse as we go throughout the year,” said Mike Santomassimo, whose comments on Tuesday (Feb. 14) at the Credit Suisse Financial Services Forum were reported by Seeking Alpha. Santomassimo cited macroeconomic data showing a tighter labor market than it’s been in decades, […]

Consumers Drive Q3 US Economic Growth

November 27, 2019
October saw a rise in consumer spending, according to a report by Reuters. The news organization is reporting that the economy will most likely continue to grow in Q4 of...