Income Share Agreement news and trends

It’s Not Easy Solving For $1.5 Trillion In Student Debt
Alternative Finances // April 23, 2019

This week Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren managed to capture a lot of airtime — no small feat in a field with over 20 people in it — with what is as of yet the largest and most radical proposed solution to the student...

Investors Help Students Avoid Debt With Income Share Agreements
Alternative Finances // April 10, 2017

As an alternative to Federal Plus and private student loans, more students are looking to income share agreements as a way to fund higher education. In an income share agreement, an investor essentially fronts a student’s college tuition under the condition that when the student...

Interviews & Exclusives
Could Income Share Agreements Displace Payday Loans?

May 29, 2019
Income sharing is not a common method of financing as of 2019 — though, as of late, it has begun to get much more interest from investors and innovators, particularly in the context of student loan financing. The basic structure of the program in a student income share agreement is that an investor essentially fronts […]

Quick Reads
Investors Help Students Avoid Debt With Income Share Agreements

April 10, 2017
As an alternative to Federal Plus and private student loans, more students are looking to income share agreements as a way to fund higher education. In an income share agreement, an investor essentially fronts a student’s college tuition under the condition that when the student graduates and begins working, they will surrender a portion of […]