Installment Plans news and trends

Chase to Decline Credit Card Payments for Third-Party BNPL Plans
BNPL // July 17, 2024

Chase told customers that it will stop allowing its credit cards to be used to pay for third-party buy now, pay later (BNPL) plans. The bank said in a customer’s credit statement viewed by PYMNTS: “Effective October 10, 2024, you will not be able to...

Why Merchants Prefer Card-Linked Pay Later Options
Consumer Payments // June 21, 2024

Merchants are increasingly recognizing the value of offering general-purpose credit card-linked installment plans. In fact, 37% of merchants now provide these installment plans at checkout. This shift — a 16% rise since December 2023 — highlights how rapidly consumer demand for flexible or pay later...

Acquirer Survey Shows Card-Linked Installments Help Merchants Boost Sales
Consumer Payments // June 10, 2024

There is a gap between acquirers’ self-reports and implementation. While 72% of acquirers say they support credit card-linked installment options online or in-store, only 3 out of 50 acquirers surveyed offer card-linked installments before or during checkout. These latest findings mirror our findings from late...

Why Gen Z Shops Merchants That Offer Pay Later Plans
Consumer Finance // May 16, 2024

Pay later plans have gained value since they offer consumers flexibility and better spend management. PYMNTS Intelligence reveals consumers’ preferences for these plans, particularly around buy now, pay later (BNPL) options. For example, Generation Z has kept a steady use rate for pay later plans...

Interviews & Exclusives
New Data: Timing Is Key to Success of Installment Plan Offers

July 18, 2024
The popularity of pay later plans has been on the rise. Consumers are becoming more aware of options such as buy now, pay later (BNPL) and card-linked installment plans. Merchants and acquirers broadly agree that offering pay later plans can both boost sales and drive revenue growth. Merchants and acquirers that hope to stay competitive […]

Why Merchants Prefer Card-Linked Pay Later Options

June 21, 2024
Merchants are increasingly recognizing the value of offering general-purpose credit card-linked installment plans. In fact, 37% of merchants now provide these installment plans at checkout. This shift — a 16%...

Why Gen Z Shops Merchants That Offer Pay Later Plans

May 16, 2024
Pay later plans have gained value since they offer consumers flexibility and better spend management. PYMNTS Intelligence reveals consumers’ preferences for these plans, particularly around buy now, pay later (BNPL)...

Embedded Solutions Spur Demand for Card-Based Installments

March 20, 2024
Colin Mellon, chief commercial officer at Splitit, told PYMNTS that installment plans, when linked to traditional card-based payments, can offer benefits throughout the commerce ecosystem. But making inroads and competing against...

Quick Reads
Chase to Decline Credit Card Payments for Third-Party BNPL Plans

July 17, 2024
Chase told customers that it will stop allowing its credit cards to be used to pay for third-party buy now, pay later (BNPL) plans. The bank said in a customer’s credit statement viewed by PYMNTS: “Effective October 10, 2024, you will not be able to use Chase credit cards to pay for third-party Buy Now […]

Report: 25% of UK BNPL Users Hit With Late Fees

January 02, 2024
Nearly a quarter of British buy now, pay later (BNPL) users have been charged late fees. These fees for late repayments hit younger consumers the hardest, the Financial Times (FT) reported...

Affirm Says High Interest Rates Drive Demand for BNPL

November 14, 2023
Buy now, pay later (BNPL) company Affirm expects an increase in demand for its short-term consumer loans if interest rates remain high for an extended period. Affirm’s product is perceived differently by...

Buy Now, Pay Later Thrives Despite Rising Interest Rates

November 09, 2023
Buy now, pay later (BNPL) company Affirm continues to see demand from investors, reportedly defying earlier concerns about rising interest rates affecting all BNPL lenders. Unlike traditional banks, BNPL providers rely on...