Mobile Loans news and trends

Amid Blockchain And Robotics Hype, Corporate Lenders Still Start With The Cloud
B2B Payments // April 02, 2018

Consumers demand easy, digital banking, but this pressure for banks to deliver is also coming from corporate clients. Take mobile banking, which has propelled the introduction of mobile-only banks to meet demand for better services on smaller screens. It’s not only for consumers, though: Alternative...

Quick Reads
Fiserv: Two-Thirds Of Loans Originated Online In Last Two Years

October 21, 2019
Fiserv’s consumer trends survey, Expectations & Experiences, shows that the majority of loans over the past two years were done online, the company said on Monday (Oct. 21) in a press release. Almost two-thirds – 65 percent – of loan applicants since 2017 completed their applications partially or fully online, up from 56 percent in […]