Natures Sleep news and trends

Warby of X: Using Quality To Support Online Mattress Buying
Warby of X // April 06, 2017

Oftentimes the best ideas come from trying to solve a problem. And when that problem is a personal one, the drive to create an innovative solution that actually works is even stronger. For Marc Werner, founder and CEO of Nature’s Sleep, this meant making a...

Interviews & Exclusives
In a World of Buy Now, Pay Later, Lease to Own Payments Convert Customers Merchants Otherwise Ignore

November 24, 2021
Even before runaway inflation started to dominate headlines, PYMNTS research uncovered that 57% of the U.S. population is living paycheck to paycheck, including 39% of consumers with incomes of $100,000 a year or more. For many brands, these statistics present overlapping issues of payments choice, payment modalities and capturing consumers with the right financing option […]

Warby of X: Using Quality To Support Online Mattress Buying

April 06, 2017
Oftentimes the best ideas come from trying to solve a problem. And when that problem is a personal one, the drive to create an innovative solution that actually works is...