Provenir news and trends

Rapid SMB Credit Decisions, Via The Cloud
B2B Payments // January 13, 2017

The paper-based income statement and balance sheet models for SMB lending are inefficient at best and may not be the best arbiters of credit risk. Provenir Managing Director Paul Thomas told PYMNTS about the benefits of data, both structured and unstructured, in the (digital) SMB lending...

Why Paying And Buying Should Break Up At Checkout
eCommerce // February 26, 2016

Checkout friction and shopping cart abandonment is estimated to be a $4 trillion problem plaguing online merchants today. Or so estimates say. Regardless of the specific figure that problem actually amounts to, there’s one thing everyone in the payments industry can agree on today: there’s too...

The Shopping Cart Abandonment Fix
Merchant Innovation // February 14, 2016

Merchants are losing an estimated $4 trillion to shopping cart abandonment – and the problem is only getting worse. But the solution may lie in revamping the credit card payment process obstacle course consumers face when making digital purchases. Klarna CEO North America Brian Billingsley...

Making Every Site One-Click To Checkout
eCommerce // January 21, 2016

The “Amazon experience” one click checkout – is what every merchant aspires to deliver. Klarna’s North America CEO North America Brian Billingsley and Provenir MD Paul Thomas tell MPD CEO Karen Webster that starts with authenticating the consumer behind the scenes and integrating credit into...

Interviews & Exclusives
Why Not All FinTech Providers Are FinTech Firms

February 21, 2019
The distinction between firms that offer financial technology and FinTechs needs to be clearer, according to Provenir Managing Director Paul Thomas, and agility and forward-thinking are among the key differentiators. Here’s how financial tech companies can do more than just “talk the talk” when it comes to embracing (and helping banks embrace) rapid shifts in their marketplaces.