Rila news and trends

RILA Fights For Consistent Retail Regulations
Retail // July 13, 2020

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) represents some of the biggest retailers in the business. As its role has been magnified during the current crisis, so has that of its president, Brian Dodge. The organization has frequently been in the news as it pushes programs...

RILA On How United States Retailers Are Responding To Changing Privacy Rules
Regulation // March 30, 2020

Merchants often find themselves caught in the middle as states from New York to California pass data security laws. In our latest Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payment Regulations, PYMNTS speaks to Nicholas Ahrens, vice president of innovation for the Retail Industry Leaders Association, on...

US Retailers Confront Data Privacy Shifts
Regulation // March 27, 2020

While the advancement of open banking regulations may be seeing a small skip due to the spread of the coronavirus, many countries saw business and typical banking operations halted right after deciding upon new online privacy rules. Global lockdown to fight the virus’s spread means...

US Retailers Call Out Amazon, Google Over Anti-Competitive Practices
ANTITRUST // July 02, 2019

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) wants the chance to speak to antitrust enforcers set to investigate Amazon and Google’s alleged anti-competitive practices. RILA, whose members include Walmart, Target and Best Buy, among others, said it is ready and willing to voice its concerns with...

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US Retailers Call Out Amazon, Google Over Anti-Competitive Practices

July 02, 2019
The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) wants the chance to speak to antitrust enforcers set to investigate Amazon and Google’s alleged anti-competitive practices. RILA, whose members include Walmart, Target and Best Buy, among others, said it is ready and willing to voice its concerns with the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). “It’s […]