Sundaysky news and trends

Consumers Get The Video Wake-Up Call From New Verticals
Merchant Innovation // March 10, 2021

Capturing consumers’ attention isn’t easy work in the high-distraction environment in which consumers live. So, when it comes to delivering a marketing message, the mechanism is critical. If accessing the information is too much work, a consumer is more likely than not to skip over...

It’s Complicated: Consumers Go To Video When Content Gets Tough
Merchant Innovation // January 27, 2021

As profound as the digital shift has been, there are still places where the physical experience remains a holdout. Going to the branch still outscores using a bank website, according to PYMNTS’ recent Paradigm Shift report, and consumers would still rather get their messages from their...

New Study: Static Web Content Bad For Account Holder Engagement
Digital Banking // January 19, 2021

There’s a reason that bank apps and websites ask, “was this information helpful?” Often as not the answer is “no.” That simply won’t fly in the digital-first decade. PYMNTS Retail Banking Services’ Paradigm Shift, a SundaySky collaboration, examines the problem of financial content from the...

NEW DATA: Relevance Test: Majority Of Consumers Find Bank Web Content Lacking
Digital Banking // January 14, 2021

Since the onset of the pandemic, banking activities like opening new accounts and applying for loans are now being done virtually to socially distance and help curb the spread of the virus. This means consumers are turning more to digital tools, but unlocking and embracing...

Interviews & Exclusives
SundaySky Uses Video And Data To Amp Up Grocery Content

March 17, 2021
As consumers’ lives have moved increasingly online in the past year, causing them to seek web solutions for formerly in-person activities, grocery retailers have had the opportunity to acquire new customers by optimizing their web presence. However, with so many contenders racing to present the most attractive digital offerings, these retailers have had to go […]

Consumers Get The Video Wake-Up Call From New Verticals

March 10, 2021
Capturing consumers’ attention isn’t easy work in the high-distraction environment in which consumers live. So, when it comes to delivering a marketing message, the mechanism is critical. If accessing the...

It’s Complicated: Consumers Go To Video When Content Gets Tough

January 27, 2021
As profound as the digital shift has been, there are still places where the physical experience remains a holdout. Going to the branch still outscores using a bank website, according...

Digital-First Economy Values Personalized Video For Consumer Engagement

December 08, 2020
A picture, the old expression goes, is worth a thousand words. Expanding on that adage, a video must be worth a thousand pictures. It’s a particularly relevant sentiment as the...