Credit Access news and trends

High-Debt Consumers Average 14 Late Payments Every Year
Debt // October 06, 2023

The United States economy’s heavy reliance on domestic consumption has become more relevant than ever, with consumer credit card debt breaking the $1 trillion mark for the first time. Consumer drive to keep a certain standard of living — even if inflation and other factors push...

Fed: Consumer Sentiment Up as Inflation Expectations Decrease
Economy // August 14, 2023

Consumer sentiment is improving overall, with decreased expectations of inflation. According to the July 2023 Survey of Consumer Expectations released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Center for Microeconomic Data, inflation expectations declined at the short-, medium- and longer-term horizons. At the one-year-ahead horizon, consumers’ median inflation...

FinTechs Clear Credit Path for 57% of Subprime Millennials
Financial Inclusion // May 08, 2023

With concerns over the banking system dominating the news after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and others, it can be easy to lose sight of another consequential problem: financial access. Although the challenge of financial inclusion is most acute in developing countries, it remains...

Meet the Credit Insecure: 80M US Consumers Who Lack Reliable Credit Access
Loans // April 27, 2023

Credit offers consumers the flexibility to buy cars and houses and access college educations, yet data shows that 31% of U.S. consumers — about 80 million individuals — are on the outside looking in. PYMNTS’ research finds that consumers fall into two categories: the credit...

Interviews & Exclusives
Nearly Half of Consumers Who Tried to Increase Their Credit Scores Did

October 24, 2023
Consumers across income levels, credit scores and generations have accumulated high levels of debt. In fact, credit card debt recently surpassed $1 trillion for the first time. With this backdrop, high credit scores are pivotal to accessing credit and maintaining purchasing power. Consumers can improve their credit scores through different avenues, such as via credit-builder […]

Fundbox And OroCommerce Team To Break The $3.1T Trade Credit Logjam

June 25, 2019
Trade credit has been around for decades and is less than efficient, with $3.1 trillion tied up in outstanding invoices. To grease the wheels of commerce, Fundbox and OroCommerce are joining...

Petal CEO: Using Cashflow — Not FICO — To Issue Credit Cards

April 04, 2018
For the 47 percent of Americans with prime credit scores, getting and using a credit card isn’t much of a problem. The problem, Petal co-founder and CEO Jason Gross told Karen Webster, is that...

Quick Reads
Fed: Consumer Sentiment Up as Inflation Expectations Decrease

August 14, 2023
Consumer sentiment is improving overall, with decreased expectations of inflation. According to the July 2023 Survey of Consumer Expectations released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Center for Microeconomic Data, inflation expectations declined at the short-, medium- and longer-term horizons. At the one-year-ahead horizon, consumers’ median inflation expectations dropped from 3.8% to 3.5%. At both the three-year […]

NY Fed Sees Increase In Access To Consumer Credit

November 21, 2017
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York painted a more optimistic picture of U.S. households, saying access to credit has improved at the same time that their risk of a...