Functionality news and trends

Cuscal On Digital Banking Done Down Under
Digital Banking // November 23, 2018

In Australia, time for a purely digital bank? Cuscal is putting tech and funding behind 86 400, a bank done in bits and bytes, that looks to challenge the traditional banking model. Craig Kennedy, Cuscal managing director, weighs in on why AI and mobile, combined, can...

Interviews & Exclusives
Mobile Order-Ahead’s Mindset Shift

February 20, 2020
Consumers have somewhat of a fickle relationship with security when it comes to transactions. Most report that they want security, and they are sincere in their reporting. However, as Kount Chief Customer Experience Officer Richard Stuppy noted, when it comes to their actual commitment in policing their own transactional security and letting it drive their decisions, it doesn’t […]

Cuscal On Digital Banking Done Down Under

November 23, 2018
In Australia, time for a purely digital bank? Cuscal is putting tech and funding behind 86 400, a bank done in bits and bytes, that looks to challenge the traditional...