There’s the old saying: When you owe $500,000, the lender owns you. When you owe $50 million, well, you own the lender. The scenario comes to mind in the wake of news that default probability risk is increasing among companies owned by private equity firms. The...
The world is awash in debt marked by negative interest rates. It’s a $17 trillion warning sign of overextended corporate borrowing and lending, CreditRiskMonitor CEO Jerry Flum tells Karen Webster that this time it’s different — and China looms as a factor in how it...
Stock markets around the globe seem to be in freefall. Interest rates are marching higher. Sears, at least at the time this article, is prepping for bankruptcy. Consumers may feel a pinch (eventually) in the wallet, as credit card debt and mortgages become more expensive. Beneath...
There is hardly a more difficult conversation to be had, CreditRiskMonitor CEO Jerry Flum told Karen Webster in a recent conversation, than the one the finance guys have with a sales guy about why they can’t approve shipping out a big order to a big buyer – especially if that buyer has...
March 09, 2020
As the coronavirus roils markets, as indexes swing down — and up — by several percentage points daily, and as interest rates get ever smaller, we’re in uncharted territory. As Jerry Flum, CEO of CreditRiskMonitor, told PYMNTS, the stage may be set for a series of ripple effects, none of them terribly comforting. The Markets […]
August 26, 2019
The world is awash in debt marked by negative interest rates. It’s a $17 trillion warning sign of overextended corporate borrowing and lending, CreditRiskMonitor CEO Jerry Flum tells Karen Webster...
October 12, 2018
Stock markets around the globe seem to be in freefall. Interest rates are marching higher. Sears, at least at the time this article, is prepping for bankruptcy. Consumers may feel a...
April 18, 2018
There is hardly a more difficult conversation to be had, CreditRiskMonitor CEO Jerry Flum told Karen Webster in a recent conversation, than the one the finance guys have with a sales guy about why they can’t...