Deductible news and trends

LendingPoint CEO On Medical Payments ‘Last Mile’ Problem
Loans // July 03, 2017

With healthcare costs on the perpetual rise, many employers are offering insurance plans with high deductibles to keep costs down. But that can leave patients with a $5,000 upfront cost to hurdle in order to get a medically necessary procedure. Should they take on the...

Interviews & Exclusives
Alegeus Pushes The Amazon Model For Healthcare

February 24, 2021
High deductible health plans with health savings accounts (HSAs) are an increasingly common feature among American healthcare consumers, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2017, roughly 20 percent of Americans had such plans. As of 2019, the last year data is available, 26 percent of consumers had them. They are even more […]

LendingPoint CEO On Medical Payments ‘Last Mile’ Problem

July 03, 2017
With healthcare costs on the perpetual rise, many employers are offering insurance plans with high deductibles to keep costs down. But that can leave patients with a $5,000 upfront cost...